Link to the webcast:
From the SLOOH Space Camera website -
"Bright planet Jupiter will be to the left of a spectacular Waxing Gibbous Moon - closest conjunction until 2026 for North America. "
"Jupiter and the moon will appear just a finger-width apart tonight (Jan. 21) for stargazers across North America. In South America, some observers may even see Jupiter slip behind the moon in an amazing occultation. The extreme close encounter between the planet and moon is a must-see, even if clouds block your view."
The first footage of a giant squid in its habitat was captured by a team from NHK and the Discovery Channel. The Japanese broadcaster will air a special documentary on 13 January followed by Discovery on the 27th.
"The video of the giant squid was shot 2,000 feet below the North Pacific Ocean, about 260 miles south of Tokyo.Scientists on the squid-finding mission had hoped to film at least a tentacle or two, but they got lucky: By the time the expedition was over, they had collected more than 23 minutes of the giant squid in the murky deep."
Sources: Discovery & LA Times